Wednesday, October 20, 2010

colordesignfoodtable times

thursday 21 october 2010 last design studio day of the year
bring your dish, a plate, cuttlery for yourself and your dish

11 - 12 o'clock: set up and photographs
12 - ? o'clock: food tasting
2 o'clock: food judge will give "best dish of the table" prize/ certificate

Sunday, October 10, 2010

thursday 21oct colors&flavors

last task of the term
this thursday you will draw a) a color and b) a taste/ flavor c) attribute
ex: red, sweet, healthy or green, salty, exotic etc
and be asked to bring a dish/ food that corresponds to those
on thursday 21 oct for a design food table end of term brunch.
this is your last dp performance.
make it a good one.

spatial diary crits

i will pin up a list on my door
whoever wants a crit on the spatial diary
please write down their names
so i can plan times and tutors

11.10.2010 cancelled

i am sorry to cancel the planned meetings for this monday
i got sick over the weekend and could not prepare the final mark list
we will do that on thursday, come in your time slot:
last name:
a-d               11-12
f-h                12-13
j-l                 13-14
m                 14-15.30
n-z               15.30-16.30

what we will do: check if your marks as uploaded on wams are correct
fill in any missing marks
please bring any work that you have handed in late and did not receive a mark yet for.
come at least 15 min ahead of yor time (in case others don't show up)
and bring some work to bridge waiting time...