1. too many red lights, mainly due to insufficient production, but this is something you can change...
2. you do NOT have to draw any 1:5 details
3. the 1:20 perimeter section was meant to double up with the construction drawing
meaning: you need 1 drawing for both classes. start your 1:20 construction section (axonometric as I heart) and bring it on Monday. try to finish it as far as you can. you only have one day to hand it in to construction, that's not a lot of time. We have to be able to read the drawing and the structure proposed.
4. You have to include the John Moffat Ext in your drawings, one has to understand that the studios are on top of a roof. (plan, section, elevation) this means that in the 1:100 elevation/ section you draw parts of the existing building (or all). If you cannot fit all in your existing layout, draw a 1:200 schematic diagram with existing building as outline and your structure on top.
5. Your plans have to complete drawings, means both sides and the part in the middle as one drawing, not in parts.
6. You need 6 elevations, 4 around the building and 2 inside.
7. Think your structure through, what will be build first, what carries the loads, there is an inherent structural logic that will be visible in all drawings, particularly in plans and sections. the exploded axo will help you to order your structure and thoughts. in the examples from detail magazine, trade centre in Bergell, page 48 is an example of how it can look like
some specific points, do not relate to all designs
8.black skin: look at page 35, summer house in Goeteborg, they use roofing felt, check the details
9. water drainage: look at different possibilities: page 35, summer house in Goeteborg, p38 residence in Sultz, p64 joinery in Freising
10. flat roof and box like look: p48, trade centre
11. walkable roof: p52 , bathhouse in Lochau12. how to bridge long spans or cantilever: space trusses or +- 10% height of the length of span or room height, see drawing attached
all luck, time and production you need.
see you on monday