In my country, we are just learning that sidewalks are relatives of parks – not passing lanes for cars.
Enrique Peñalosa, previous mayor of Bogotá, Colombia
The public project of the year is dealing with public access and public space to, in and around your fire + building. It is specifically addressing the process of arriving and moving through the building. It will adress the public component of the fire + centre with the design of a public ‘square’/ gathering space(s) or routes and a contextual map with various
ways on how to reach the centre by public transportation, by foot or bicycle.
This public space)s) can be located in various places in relation to your building (next to it, in front of it, on top of it or other) and should be integral part of the design process. The larger idea has to stretch into Rosebank and beyond. The main intention is to develop a three dimensional vision on how to re-turn to the understanding of the public realm and architecture as common spaces for a society of the collective.
Build more massing models that separate between 15% public, 70% jobs and 20% housing, breaking ‘jobs’ down to the fire station on the ground and a variety of possibilities on the upper floors ( offices, shops, education, recycle center, and others). (models and sketches)
Place the ground floor of the fire station in Mexico on your site and get an understanding of how much space is needed.(drawings)
Requirements for hand in Thursday:
Concept models and sketches (at least 10 different models that demonstrate different approaches)
Context model (immediate contextt (your site, bordering streets and buildings on the other side of Oxford Road) 1:500,1:1000 if a larger section is chosen
you can build shared context models, even up to 1 for the whole class.
but it has to contain a fair amount of context.
1 photo collage, 1 street perspective
2 street sections (min) scale 1:500, incl Rosebank Mall
Maps with various routes on how to reach the center with public transportation, by foot or bike,scale to be determined (1:1000 or 2000, 1:5000 if applicable)
as a guideline: 4 A3 maps with
1) nolli plan (build footprint contrasted by accessible public space
2) proposed pedestrian and cycle network
3) program and zoning, differentiating between formal and informal
4) oxford street from corner mc donalds to corner paragon building (might need 2 horizontal 3Ds) 1:1000
project text: 300 words
This work has to be amended during the development of the project.
In addition, you'll pin up your work from the bus trip. Please remember that all information has to carry meaning, we want to see what you saw, what it meant to you and how it possibly influenced your thinking re: the project. also make use of your analysis from the previous project, e.g. entrances, street life, vehicular vs pedestrian network, adaptability of the buildings.
We will give your works a preliminary mark to indicate where you stand.
analysis/ fieldwork
quality of graphic representation
layers covered
concept development for building (form vs program in urban context)
We expect serious and engaged work in process that is presented adequately , not perfection. Each drawing needs scale and north orientation (plan). Put your name, not only your student number on the work. Indicate group and individual production.