read carefully:
portfolio exam arpl 2000_2013:
you have to bring all design work
(drawings, models + sketchbooks) and your printed + digital version
of the theory submission.
however, due to the fact that the
externals saw your 1st semester work in the mid year oral, you have to pin
up your work from the row house onwards only. (row house, bench, sports
centre). although design and construction are 2 different portfolios and will
be evaluated as such, they interconnect and overlap. pin up the construction
drawings of the row house in close proximity of the design work, we will look
at the development of the project.
the bench project would need drawings and
1:1 model, (for your best) should the transport be problematic due to size and
weight , you have to display it in a way that the externals get a good
impression of your design and the making of it, try to display it 1:1
(photos + drawings).
the work that is not pinned up should be
accessible in a folder, ordered per project, in case the overall portfolio
needs to be re-evaluated.
remember this paragraph from the course
outline, handed out in the beginning of the year:
during the
end of year oral exam the ‘provisional year mark’ is subjected to a moderation
procedure. external examiners and the
design staff conduct the moderation procedure, in order to preserve
professional and academic standards.
moderation can affect the final mark within a 5% margin, up or
down. the ‘moderated mark’ counts as the
final and definitive year mark in design.
this means that ‘year provisional marks’ in the region of 46% to 54%
represent potential failures in design. in exceptional cases, where an
external examiner feels strongly that a learner has not met the requirements of
the course, but whose year mark does not reflect this, he/she will be able to,
with the approval of the head of school, to moderate the learner’s mark down by
more than 5%. theory examination papers are approved and moderated by an
external examiner according to normal university procedures. the purpose of
the final oral is to assess whether, during the course of the year, the student
has acquired the necessary skills to proceed to third year. at the
beginning of the year one is evaluating isolated skills; by the end of the year
it is necessary to integrate them. this can only be finally evaluated in
complete portfolio.
pin up in time. delays will be noted as no-show:
fabs for the entire course (design and/ or construction).
to be safe:
group 1 a-h should be up at 8.30h.
group 2 a-d should be up at 11.40h.
group 3 e-d should be up at 14.00h.
take your work instantly down after your 2 presentations.
the next person in that space (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) has to pin up
(for example: space a) 8.30h design has construction at 9.10h till
9.30h. the next space a) design 11.40h should be there at 9.45h to start
pinning up and help pinning down.)
bring material (press stick, pins) to fix your drawings properly.
help each other to pin up and down, it takes a long time.
again: bring your complete portfolio, all models and sketchbooks.
the submitted theory works (essay + public
space analysis) can be picked up from admin from tomorrow onwards. i will send
a you a list with general comments, please scrutinize your work along those
lines and correct, add, complete if needed.
the official (re-) hand in of the theory
project is the oral examination,
digital and printed version. the work will
be marked and moderated by the examiners after the oral examination – they
won’t have time to read essays during that presentation.